[Image Description: A close-up photo of a sleepy-looking owl mug with a white spoon in it. There is text above it in white that reads "The BEST Hot Chocolate!" And to the right in the bottom, there's a white circle with the words "Crafty Crookshanks" carved into it.]
Hulloo, sweet Readers!
So for today's Geeky Eats Mondays, I thought I'd share with you one of my favorite things in the whole wide world of food and beverages: DARK HOT CHOCOLATE.
I love it!
Hot chocolate is the best. It's basically warmed, liquid chocolate, so how could it be not be delicious? xD I'm lactose intolerant, so for many years, I suffered from poor-hot-chocolate-syndrome, making hot chocolate only with water and various forms of cocoa powder or a mix of powder and chips. Now, however, I am armed with a new secret weapon: Lactaid! :D
Seriously, this stuff is awesome. I can have cereal, hot chocolate, milk and oreos, and all kinds of stuff now that I couldn't before without being in excruciating pain. lol It tastes just like regular milk to me, so it's not a problem like with soy milk or almond milk, and it also expires later than regular milk, which works perfectly for me since I don't often use or drink it.
So-- on to the recipe!
I love this because not only is it damn good, but it's also super easy to make. It's all dependent upon the type of chocolate you have, so if you celebrate Christmas, ask Santa for some of your favorite, luxurious chocolate chips. xD Personally, I use the Hershey's Special Dark or, if it's ever on sale, the dark chocolate chips from Ghirardelli which are super yum. Even with Nestle, which isn't my favorite, this recipe tastes good! (Come on, it's chocolate. lol)
First, measure out how much milk you'll need. I usually grab whatever mug I'm using, pour a bit of milk with some room at the top for expansion and chocolate chips, then pour it out into the pot I'll be heating the milk in. This way you're not doing a ton of dishes for just one cup of hot chocolate. If you're making a batch for several people, just adjust as needed to be about a cup of milk per person. :]
(And don't you love my little owl mug? :D My awesome friend Mara got it for me for Christmas one year, and I love it! It seemed perfect for a cozy cup of hot chocolate post, too. :])
[Image Description: A close-up photo of an owl mug filled with milk.]
Second, heat the milk. And remember this rule: Low and Slow! You don't want to scorch your milk-- it doesn't taste too pleasant, really, so heating it slowly over low heat is a great way to make sure your milk is perfectly warmed.
You'll know the milk is ready when it begins bubbling slightly and rapidly rising or expanding, along with seeing a slight skin begin to form (which you can get rid of by just swirling the pot around). If you like foam, you can continue to heat it, but be careful how long you let it go for! You don't want the foam to turn into burned milk. :]
[Image Description: A close-up photo of an open blue flame underneath a red pot on a stove.]
[Image Description: A photo of milk in a pot with a few small bubbles in the middle, along with a light skin forming on the right. There is black text behind an arrow pointing at it that reads "Skin Forming."]
Third, while your milk is heating, add your chocolate chips to your mug of choice. Now, I never measure this out; I simply add the chips until it covers the bottom completely, plus an extra layer on top. Sometimes, especially on my period or during trying work weeks, I add nearly half a cup's worth! xD So yummy. But if you add too many, it makes it difficult to melt all of them smoothly, so just test it out first. You can always add more chips if you feel it's not chocolatey enough after the first sip. :]
[Image Description: A close-up photo of an owl mug with a pile of dark chocolate chips in it.]
Fourth, once your milk is done heating, pour it directly into your mug full of chocolate chips, and immediately stir until the chocolate is melted and smooth. I don't recommend using any utensils to remove the milk-- oftentimes, there'll be some small lumps of burned milk in your drink, and that's not very pleasant.
[Image Description: A photo of an owl mug with a white spoon in it. There is milk in the mug that is speckled with brown from slightly melted chocolate in it.]
Doesn't that look good?? :D
[Image Description: A close-up photo of an owl mug with dark hot chocolate in it, along with a white spoon in it.]
Finally, enjoy! :D (The best part. :3) You can also try adding things like extracts, caramel sauces, candy canes, marshmallows, whipped cream with sprinkles, or sea salt to it for an extra depth of flavor. Get imaginative! Once I put Oreos in, and it was amazing. I thought I'd gone to heaven for a minute or two. xD heh heh This is also great with bananas; the chocolate is thick enough to dip the banana in and eat it that way. Soooo much yum. <3
[Image Description: A close-up photo of an owl mug from the front with a white spoon sticking out.]
One of my favorite things to drink this with is a batch of freshly made, buttered popcorn-- while watching Harry Potter in the dark, of course. xD It's especially lovely when it's cold outside, and I'm wrapped up in a blanket and cozy pj's on my couch and have my colorful twinkle lights on in the room. :3 Another favorite way is to put it in my awesome thermos from DAVIDs TEA and haul it to work with me. Nothing like a yummy cup of hot chocolate to encourage you to actually get on the train to work. lol That thermos trick is also excellent for trips to the park with friends or walks in the winter nights to look at Christmas lights in the neighborhood-- keeps your hands and insides all warm and snug. :]
How about you? What's your favorite thing to eat or drink with your hot chocolate? Do you make yours this way, too, or do you use a packet mix or your own special brand of cocoa? Share below in the comments! :D
Until next time, fair Readers!
Mischief Managed~
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